

Angular, React, Vue - What to do?
Preliminary thoughts on the three frameworks.
<p>As an assignment for class, we were tasked with doing a little research on Angular, React and Vue, decide which one we'd like to learn and then blog about it.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Angular seems to be the biggest in terms of size and user base right now.&nbsp; It is big, bulky and can be a bit complicated to use.&nbsp; To me that is a big drawback.&nbsp; On the other hand it is a all in one type of package where you install&nbsp;and get going.&nbsp; It is also very well organized and modular.&nbsp; Angular keeps its html and code separate which seems cleaner to me.&nbsp; Unfortunately, Angular is not backwards compatable.&nbsp; Some releases have actually broken websites and because of this Angular has lost the trust of some users.&nbsp; Angular has a steep learning curve.&nbsp; Part of this is to learn Typescript.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>React is less bulky than Angular and uses javascript(ES6) as coding language.&nbsp; React isn't quite as organized as Angular but it is more flexible.&nbsp; It combines HTML with Javascript into something called JSX.&nbsp; Some folks prefer the separation of HTML and javascript.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Vue is the newbie and is gaining popularity because it is smaller and leaner.&nbsp; It is also much easier for a developer to learn.&nbsp; Vue in a way is a combination of Angular and React.&nbsp;&nbsp;Whereas React is one-way binding and Angular uses two way binding, Vue can use both.&nbsp; It uses javascript (ES5 or ES6) and has HTML templates.&nbsp; It too has increased flexibility over Angular.</p> <p>So, which one would I like to learn first?&nbsp; That's easy!&nbsp; Whichever one my employer wants me to learn!&nbsp; I suspect I would enjoy Vue the best based on how much easier it is to implement.&nbsp; But, I would probably try Angular first just to see what it is like since it is the "complete package".&nbsp; Then move on to trying out React and then Vue.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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